Last updated: 2019 December 19

  1. Arduino Setup

Coming soon, when I actually get something done.

For now, see the LARVAbot code and LARVAbot PCB repositories.

Arduino Setup

The current (in progress) version of the LARVAbot code is an Arduino library. Because the LARVAbot board is not a full Arduino board, there are some additional steps required to be able to program it from the Arduino IDE.

  1. Install support for programming the raw microcontroller
    • In the Arduino IDE, open Preferences (File > Preferences in Linux, at least), and under “Additional Boards Manager URLs” add:
    • Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and search Barebones ATmega Chips and install. The Tools > Board section should now include ATmega Microcontrollers.
  2. Set up configuration for LARVAbot board. In the Tools menu, set the following:
    • Board: ATmega328/328p
    • Processor: ATmega328p
    • Clock: External 20MHz
    • Programmer: USBtinyISP (if you’re using the FabISP or my design)
  3. Burn the Arduino bootloader (this only needs to be done once for each robot)
    • Connect the robot via the ISP header pins
    • Make sure the right port is selected under Tools > Port
    • From the Tools menu, select Burn Bootloader
  4. Install dependencies from Tools > Manage Libraries... by searching for the following:
  5. Install LARVAbot library to use with your own code Arduino makes you do this by having the file in its libraries directory. You can clone the code repository directly into this location, but I prefer keeping the LARVAbot library code with the rest of the code.
    • Clone the LARVAbot library wherever you want: git clone
    • Create a symlink to that in the Arduino libraries directory. (Recommend using the full path for the source here)
      ln -s [REPO_LOCATION]/Larva ~/Arduino/libraries

Sources: Carlos Rodrigues GitHub